88 And Counting!

Sweet Mama turned 88 on the 8th. All she wanted to commemorate the day  was pizza and a tie-dye cake. She got both, and then some.

My mother never ceases to amaze me. She is the poster-child for the slogan “growing old ain’t for sissies,” yet she always has a smile and she’s always happy.  Even if she’s always cold and in pain.

Her active life slowed considerably when the osteoporosis crippled her and macular degeneration blinded her. Now she spends days on end in front of the TV watching game shows, news, and preachers. She can’t see a lot, but as she’s always fond of telling us—when we’re whispering about her in the kitchen—there’s nothing wrong with her hearing. The one thing she’s looking forward to most is the day MSB and I finally get to close on that house we found less than a mile from her own. She needs me there. She needs help. But she amazes me how much she’s able to do on her own. She has always been able to figure out how to get something done, but now she’s also figuring out how to get folks to help her.

Mom’s the one who gave me my love of Bible study, the one who taught me how to do it. She was my source of godly wisdom as I grew and matured and my best friend throughout my life.

And now, she’s 88 years old, and despite all her handicaps, she still has a zest for life and tie-dye cake!



About Linda W. Yezak

Author/Freelance Editor/Speaker (writing and editing topics).
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15 Responses to 88 And Counting!

  1. She is an amazing example of faith in action, of St. Paul’s words to be content regardless of our situation. Bless you for sharing her sweet life with us, offering us a beautiful source of inspiration. Thank you.


  2. Joan Vanden Noven says:

    Happy 88th Birthday, Dusty!! Your Mom was so excited that you and Billy were coming to celebrate her birthday on the actual day.. Dusty is such a joy and brightens my day when we talk on the phone. She continues to amaze me. God Bless you, your family and Dusty.


    • How sweet, Joan! I’ll share this with her. I know she was excited. She called me almost everyday, trying to figure out the logistics of having so many people at her house for lunch! Shows how cluttered it has become–just Sandy, Billy, and I were there, and there was plenty of room, but she was worried. 😀


  3. Joyce says:

    Happy Birthday, Sweet Mama! Today is the fifth anniversary of my mother’s passing into God’s presence, two months and five days shy of her 95th birthday. I’m so glad your mother is happy in spite of physical decline. Love the tie-dye cake! So glad I read this today. You both have cheered my soul.


  4. K.M. Weiland says:

    Yay! Happy birthday! 🙂


  5. docellis79 says:

    Precious, precious is your Mom. My Mom is always positive, as well. She grew up in horrible situations. Every Friday night, her stepdad came home drunk and beat her Mom. This always scared her sister so much that she wet the bed. Mom would strip sheets so he did not find out because he would beat sister for wetting the bed. One Friday night, Mom, while holding her sister, said, “Listen sweetie, Sunday morning we are getting on that church bus that comes around, become Christians because we already know Jesus saves us everyday and then marry great men one day. The rest is the history of a woman, who is my Mom, that never looked back and is my role model for life. She is 84, soon 85, with dementia, lost her spouse last year of 65 years and lives in a memory care unit 12 miles from me. She never complains. She says, “Hi sweetie” every time when she first sees me. I love her so much! I’ll send you a picture in an email.


  6. In the translation from the words of a Jewish friend I have
    “May she live to be 120.”
    This is a biblical reference for how long Moses had lived.
    Deuteronomy 34:1-12
    Responding with my Christian blog and email address


  7. Geri Lawhon says:

    Happy birthday to a wonderful woman with a great outlook on life.


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