Favorite Reads of 2014

Every year, I tell myself I’m going to do better at keeping a list of books I’ll read during the upcoming months. Every year, I behave myself–for about a month or two. Shame on me. Although I list virtually everything I read on Goodreads and Shelfari, neither supply me with a reliable list of what I’ve read. For instance, the Goodreads list includes only six titles. Six! I know I read more than that–even if I can’t remember them all.

So, instead of having a wonderful division of books by genre, fiction/nonfiction, devotional, and writing manual, I’ll just have to wing it. What’s bothering me about “winging it,” however, is that I recently rearranged my bookcase, which means that some I read this year are filtered among the ones I’ve read in the past and now I don’t remember which is which.

Just an FYI: in my humble opinion, the gift of a good memory was wasted on elephants.

children of the dayEven though I can’t list all the books I read in 2014, I can list the ones that made an impression on me for one reason or another. Although I know I read some nonfiction books and some writing manuals, most of the books that impressed me were fiction.

With the exception of this one.

My favorite Bible Study/Devotional was Children of the Day, 1st and 2nd Thessalonians, by Beth Moore. Of course, I love anything Beth Moore does, so this isn’t really a surprise.

Favorite literary fiction novels–tied between two:


the language of sparrows

Favorite Mystery/Suspense (also favorite book by a mainstream author):

There were several that I enjoyed, but these topped the list. Maybe in 2015, I can actually keep my promise to myself to keep track of the books I read during the year.

About Linda W. Yezak

Author/Freelance Editor/Speaker (writing and editing topics).
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11 Responses to Favorite Reads of 2014

  1. Linda,
    What a great idea. I read lots of books and can’t remeber what year I read it. Sometimes the titles blur and I have to go back and read book blurbs to discern if I’ve read the book. Thankfully amazon won’t let me orfer a book I already own so I rarely have duplicates. A list would make it so easy to give recommendations. Especially if I put a comment next to the book. You’ve got my brain sparking. My goal for this year is to reach 100 reviews written on Amazon. I was just notified I have 91.I started putting reviews on Amazon a few years ago. (Not sure if it was three or five.) I need to find out exactly how to track those reviews on Goodreads as well. Makes we wonder if a goal of 25 reviews in 2015 is realistic.
    Thansk for getting me thinking in a new direction for 2015.


  2. Lynn Mosher says:

    Yikes! I’ve been away tooooo long! You’ve changed your look! Life has made me feel like I’m in a batting cage and its slinging a multitude of balls at me! So I’m sorry I haven’t been around much lately. I wanted to repay the visit and tell you I’m praying your New Year gushes over with wave after wave of blessings! xoxox


  3. I’ll have to check out Moore’s book. I’m always on the hunt for a good devotional. BTW, I’ve been loving your holiday themes for the blog design!


  4. hopeclark says:

    Linda – I am completely honored.


  5. I use pinterest to keep track of what i read over the year. I make a new board for each new year. 🙂


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