An Unexpected Day in January: Shooting on the Acreage

[Guest author, LoRee Peery, is filling in for me today.]


An Unexpected Day in January: Shooting on the Acreage

I’m not talking about guns here. I’m talking about a photo shoot.

For at least a year I’d wanted my son-in-law to do an author photo shoot for me. He took pictures of my hubby Bill and me a few years ago, and we’ve had many compliments on the outcome. Ben no longer has access to equipment (he’s a freelance video-camera guy who often sets up lighting on his jobs).

Loree Photog Equip
We are used to snow and frigid temps in January, but the weather was crazy warm for Nebraska, with 50- to 60-degree days most of the first month of 2015.

Earlier in the month, I’d asked one of the pastors’ wives if she’d be available to take author pictures come warm spring weather. She prefers outdoor shots with natural colors. We settled on April to do a shoot at home on our acreage.

The fourth Thursday of January, Ben called and asked if he and his brother could come out and look around for old wood and iron because his bro had developed Grizzly Man Shaving Co (for beard products). “Since Josh and I will be there with a camera borrowed from our cousin, I’ll do your shoot too.”

I had just had my hair cut the Wednesday before he called, and told my gal I’d want her to style it for a shoot. A short story getting longer…I went in for a 9:00 appointment…the only time she could fit me in. Ben and his bro Josh came at 1:00. Ben said, “Your hair looks nice.”

The men, with a little help from dear hubby, set up wood, iron, lighting, and products. I love to watch Ben set up. He is an artist when it comes to lighting and getting ready to click the camera. They arranged, and rearranged, and filmed for over two hours.

LoRee Grizzly Man products
At first I wore an emerald shirt that Ben said was too bright. I changed to sea-foam green. He did some shots. The wind kept interfering, lifting, and playing with my hair.

Loree Hair Play
Inside, I sprayed and gelled and changed into a denim jacket. I then stood in a fallow field, which I didn’t care for. Ben was dissatisfied with the lighting. Besides, the shots looked too political. We both decided those shots were for practice.

He couldn’t capture what he was looking for light-wise and the sun was sinking. I decided to give him some alone time and changed again. I donned a red scarf and set my purple fedora atop, covering the hair I’d paid to be fixed.

Ben grinned as I went down the porch steps. “You look cute.”

Bill and Josh held boards covered in white, to reflect or deflect the sunlight (not my area of expertise). The hat relaxed me and affected us all for some reason. Ben had fun with lighting. We will remember January 27, 2015 as a super fun spring-like day with something to show for our time together.



A Nebraska country girl, LoRee Peery attempts to see God’s presence every day. Often that gift comes from nature, and she is most relaxed in the outdoors. The call of a cardinal draws her to look for the distinctive flash of crimson. A meadowlark’s melody always transports her to the farm where she grew up. A rainbow holds special significance, since one appeared the day of her father’s funeral and means the promise of the Lord’s presence in her life. She clings to I John 5:4 and prays her family sees that faith. You can find her at or the Pelican Book Group site

Paisley and Rob love each other, but neither is willing to correct what needs to be fixed in their relationship, so Paisley relocates out of state. When she discovers a secret that may repair Rob’s view of his past, she reaches out. Rob is still bitter over Paisley’s inability to commit and her habit of running, but he believes she sincerely cares for him, so he investigates her claim to have found his unknown heritage. After the emotional turmoil of meeting a family he knew nothing about, Rob’s love for Paisley convinces him to reconcile their differences. His world is incomplete without Paisley. However, she is reluctant to move forward, and has an opportunity to flee again. Will Rob help convince Paisley the answer is not to move again, but lies with the Lord, or will Rob lose Paisley forever?

Find Paisley’s Pattern on sale on the Pelican Book Group site!

About Linda W. Yezak

Author/Freelance Editor/Speaker (writing and editing topics).
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6 Responses to An Unexpected Day in January: Shooting on the Acreage

  1. I love the results of the photo shoot, LoRee. Great pic! Thanks for sharing it with us!


  2. LoRee Peery says:

    Thank you, Linda, for being a terrific hostess.


  3. delialatham says:

    Live the story AND the lhoto results. Ben was right. You look cute…as always!


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