Out of Order

Sorry I haven’t written in a while, folks. I’ve been out of order . . . still. The Crohn’s flare-up has thrown me for quite a loop, and the meds used to treat it threw me for another. This battle has been going on since August, and I’m seriously ready for it to be over. We’re getting closer, I’m doing better, but I’m not there yet.

Lately, I’ve been reading about friends with chronic illnesses who manage to continue to write through their pain and symptoms. I tell ya, these folks are heroes. I don’t see how they do it–much less keep up with their marketing and networking. Every time I’ve tried to write, I’ve had to take it all out. As far as social networking, I’m rarely on Facebook anymore and haven’t been on Twitter in months. By the time this flare is over, I’ll be starting again from scratch.

Are you a writer with a chronic illness? How do you push through? What is your secret?

About Linda W. Yezak

Author/Freelance Editor/Speaker (writing and editing topics).
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10 Responses to Out of Order

  1. Lynne says:

    No, Linda, you won’t be starting over. None of us are going to forget you! We’re just patiently waiting and praying for your miracle. And it will come.


  2. stargazer12 says:

    Been missing your writings. Sorry for the cause. May our Lord God relieve your symptoms and may you have this thorn in your flesh lifted from you forever if He wills it so. Charles Stanley had a wonderful piece in his booklet he sends out monthly: “Give Thanks in Everything–a Tough Command.” (Usually the last thing I think of when a crisis occurs). Points he makes: 1) Gratitude keeps us continually aware that the Lord is close by. 2) It motivates us to look for His purpose in our circumstance. 3) Thanksgiving helps bring our will into submission to God. 4) It reminds us of our continual reliance upon the Lord. 5) Thankfulness is an essential ingredient for joy. 6. A grateful attitude strengthens our witness to unbelievers. 7. Thanking God focuses our attention on Him rather than on our circumstances.

    Love to you, dear Linda, and may His blessings fill you to overflowing.


  3. I was just thinking that it’s been a while since we’ve had a blog post from you – and I was afraid that meant you still weren’t feeling well. 😦 Praying for you!


  4. joannesher says:

    I’ll STILL be here, dear Linda. Continuing to pray, my friend.


  5. lynnmosher says:

    Yup! Not going anywhere. I’ll still wait to hear from you. I’ve missed you, MSRHF! I’m sure my chronic-ness isn’t as bad as yours. It does cause a lot of foggy thinking and holes in my memory. Not a good thing for writing! Praying for you, sweetie! ❤


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