Wheel of Emotion Adjectives

Found this on pinterest, which had previously be posted on tumblr. Amazing what all’s out there in cyberland. Have you seen it yet? I think it’ll come in handy . . .



About Linda W. Yezak

Author/Freelance Editor/Speaker (writing and editing topics).
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19 Responses to Wheel of Emotion Adjectives

  1. Reblogged this on Writer's Patchwork Blog and commented:
    I haven’t been posting recently due to the death of my father and putting my mom in assisted living. Lots of heavy stuff. Seeing light at end of tunnel and will start with fresh posts next week. Here is something helpful from my friend Linda Yezak.


  2. I reblogged this great little tool.


  3. Gay Ingram says:

    Looks like it would come in handy often.
    Permission to repost on the Netwo page.


  4. Pegg Thomas says:

    I’m printing this out for future reference. I’ve seen it before, but never saved it. Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Susan Anne Mason says:

    Thanks for sharing! This looks great!


  6. This is a great tool – I also use the “Emotional Thesaurus.”


  7. Cool! Great for that quick glance without paging through a book.


  8. Pingback: Wheel of Emotion Adjectives | Linda W. Yezak | Odd Sock Proofreading & Copyediting

  9. I found this a while ago. It’s fantastic.


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