11 Responses to Metadata Confusion, 2

  1. Gay Ingram says:

    I admire your courage to tackle these waters. I abandoned ship a long time ago. I’m a writer, not a computer nerd.


  2. I know you’ll clue me in on whatever you find! 🙂


  3. You might check out the Word-Press Plug-in SEO Yoast. My web guys installed it my site, and it’s been great for showing me what I need to do to optimize for search engines.


  4. I haven’t even figured out hashtags yet, not to mention metadata…. sigh. What happen to the days of word of mouth advertising? Superseded by all this technology…. I need more coffee….

    One day I will sit down and figure it all out, until then I will follow your experiences, Linda. You may have it all figured out before I even learn how to spell the word right. 😉 Thank you for always sharing your discoveries with us! We really appreciate it!


  5. anemulligan says:

    I think it really IS important and we can inform the formatter of that info. If not, inform a good friend who knows html. I’ve thought about taking a class on it, but I’m not all that good with foreign languages. 😉 Anyway, I’m going to try that deal with names. Mine gets misspelled all the time.


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