Especially for Writers

You’ll have to click on the first one to see it better. Everything I do distorts it.

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About Linda W. Yezak

Author/Freelance Editor/Speaker (writing and editing topics).
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9 Responses to Especially for Writers

  1. thanks I need this.


  2. lynnmosher says:

    LOL That first is sooo true! Well, actually so is the other one. Thanks for these. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Kat Connolly says:

    Bahahahaha! I think I went through every one of those Rapunzel scenes this month. I loved it! Thanks for sharing,


  4. We are more alike than we know, even those we hold on a literary pedestal. It makes us feel part of the club, regardless of our current place in this journey. I love these Friday giggles and snickers. We need them after a grueling work week. 😉 Thanks for all your efforts, Linda.


  5. patgarcia says:

    Love the last quote because it is so true.


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