The Art of Digging Deep



When you’re writing along and you come to a point where your character must show an emotion, beware of taking the lazy way. Work at it. Draw upon your own experience of what that emotion feels like, looks like–how you responded when it was exhibited toward you, how others responded when you were the one being showcased. Remember the smallest detail. Capture it. Put it on paper.

Don’t tell your reader to cry. Make her.



About Linda W. Yezak

Author/Freelance Editor/Speaker (writing and editing topics).
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10 Responses to The Art of Digging Deep

  1. Love it. Thanks for the reminder.


  2. Janetta says:

    I know is a great book when it makes me cry.


  3. Linda;
    I rarely get to read a post as soon as it comes into my inbox – but – I saw this and got the NUDGE to open and read – I AM SO GLAD I DID _ this is just the encouragement I need today _I’m tweaking my fourth novel today – going through the emotions of my heroine – deepening and strengthening – this is a perfect UMPH for my morning’s work. Thank You!


  4. Gay Ingram says:

    good reminder. Realized this morning what I wrote last night lacked just that/ Got to get inside my character deeper.


  5. K.M. Weiland says:

    Totally agree with this. I know, for me, it’s the difference between a blah scene and a great one.


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