Especially for Writers






About Linda W. Yezak

Author/Freelance Editor/Speaker (writing and editing topics).
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7 Responses to Especially for Writers

  1. Pearl R. Meaker says:

    Great fun, as always! 🙂 She’s right – it’s not spying. 😉


  2. I loved them all, but that last one had me giggling. We writers are an odd lot, listening in on conversations, observing others interacting, and spinning the ordinary into a gripping story. At least that is the dream! Happy Friday, Linda!


  3. K.M. Weiland says:

    That first one *is* a powerful thought. I think we, as writers, too often forget that. We take everything personally–good and bad–and forget it’s really not about us. We can look on from the surprising safety of our invisibility as readers engage messily with our characters.


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