Cabin Fever

Okay, no, I don’t have a picture of the cabin to share with you yet, but I do have pictures of where it will ultimately land. Keep in mind that this is December, so the appeal may be a bit lost in the yellow hay and gray skies, but the cabin is going to go here, right between me and the tree:

bremond tree

Yes, that’s a tree. Kinda short, I know, but it seems the farther west you go in Texas the shorter the trees are. Actually, the hill overlooking the property doesn’t have many trees, but there are tons of them all over the rest of the 50 acres. There are some great cedars–huge!–that I’m hoping to have paneling made from for our closets when we build the house. Moths will never be an issue!

Just in case you’re curious, here is the view from our front porch–when we get it:

bremond cabin view

We’ll be able to see one of the distant ponds at least, and the rest of the north side of the hill, which faces where the house will be built.

This will be the view from the back porch of our house, when it’s built:

bremond view

It may be hard to tell, but there are four ponds in the distance; two of them are ours, the one nearest on the left and the one on the right. Both ponds have fish–hot diggity!!!

I didn’t get pictures of the meadows and pastures and deep woods. I’ll have to do that. There is so much about our land that I love, I really should’ve spent the day snapping pics. But I’ll wait until spring. Winter is not the best time to introduce folks to the beauty of Central Texas.

About Linda W. Yezak

Author/Freelance Editor/Speaker (writing and editing topics).
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10 Responses to Cabin Fever

  1. jcckeith says:

    Such a beautiful property. My husband and I would like to buy land like that and built our dream home on it but for now that seems at least a few years away. SO happy for you that you are so close to achieving your dream


  2. That is gorgeous! Looks absolutely wonderful for you guys.


  3. anemulligan says:

    Absolutely beautiful, Linda! I love the views and the countryside. I’m a country girl at heart.


  4. Gorgeous scenery! It looks very inspiring for writing. 😉


  5. ceciliamariepulliam says:

    Winter or not, it looks grand to me! You are blessed, Linda!


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