So Much to be Thankful For

happy thanksgiving

We live in a land of plenty here in this country, and though my family isn’t rich, we have a comfortable piece of the pie. We have a roof over our heads, food on our table, and gas in our tanks. MSB has worked for the same company for over forty years, and I had the blessing of entering a new career path seven years ago, at the age of fifty. All this is possible in America, so along with the house, food, vehicles, and jobs, I’m thankful God put me and my family in the good ol’ U.S. of A.

I still have my mom on this side of Gloryland, and she’s reasonably healthy for her age. I’m blessed to be able to visit with her a few days each month. I’m married to an amazing man who gave me an amazing family–five kids, seven grandkids, and one brand new great-grand. Although miles separate us, I still love them all and am so grateful to God for those I can call my own.

My health has held out for a solid year–long enough for me to get fat and sassy again. I’m thankful for every extra pound I haul around because my doctors were afraid I’d never be healthy again. According to some, I should’ve been getting my nutrition through a vein. But that wasn’t God’s plan for me, and I’m so grateful.

We’re to give the sacrifice of thanksgiving on a daily basis, but during the Thanksgiving holidays especially, I take stock of how much I have and how little I deserve. When the Lord has been so good, giving thanks isn’t a sacrifice. From His gift of His Son to the gifts of my everyday life, He has blessed me beyond measure, and I am thankful.

And I’m thankful for you, the readers of this eclectic blog. I pray each of you will have a wonderful holiday, and that you will stop for a few moments to consider how much you too have to be thankful for.

About Linda W. Yezak

Author/Freelance Editor/Speaker (writing and editing topics).
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9 Responses to So Much to be Thankful For

  1. anemulligan says:

    I’m thankful for all my crazy writer friends like you! You’re the only ones, other than my Creator, who get me! 🙂


  2. K.M. Weiland says:

    Yay for a healthy year! And I’m super-grateful for *you*. You’ve walked beside almost every step of my writing journey. I can’t imagine what my writing life would like without you!


  3. Lynn Mosher says:

    Yay! Such a quiver-ful of thanks! Rejoicing with you for all God’s goodness! May abundant blessings hunt you down and overtake you! So thankful for your friendship! Love you!


  4. Lisa Grace says:

    God bless you, Linda. Praying you have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day.


  5. Yes, Linda, we have much to be thankful for. Unfortunately we sometimes focus on what we don’t have rather than on what we do. Today especially we step back and look at the good things, even those we thought were bad that eventually turned to our good through God. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.


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