Sunday Shorts–Devos for Authors

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Recently, I reminisced with a friend about how far many who started this business together have come. I am so proud of all of them and what they have accomplished in the mere seven years we’ve known each other. Some have done remarkably well; some got smart and ran while they still had a chance, and are happier for it.

Then, I took stock of where I am and where I wanted to be by now, and got bit by the jealousy bug. I’m on the right track, but I’m not there yet. “There” still seems so far away. While my friends are zooming past me on their way to the stars, I’m still filling the fuel tank on my spaceship.

Yes. I whined. To God.

Lesson #1: Never whine about things like this to God. He’ll thump you on the noggin with a reminder to keep your eyes on Him and stop comparing yourself with others. A great reminder, true, but not when you’re in the middle of a good whine fest. Kinda makes you feel small. (If only it counted as weight loss.)

Lesson #2: Keep your eyes on Him and stop comparing yourself with others. Each of us has a role to play in His plan, and each of us has a path that He’ll guide us on when He is ready. If someone’s doing better than us, what is that to us? It’s none of our business–it’s His.

We are to follow Him.

About Linda W. Yezak

Author/Freelance Editor/Speaker (writing and editing topics).
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15 Responses to Sunday Shorts–Devos for Authors

  1. Oh Linda, this exactly what I needed to hear as I face my own struggles with writing. I know this in my heart, but the brain likes to play the comparison game, wants to listen to the multitudes’ description of success and ignore God’s perception, often so different from ours. And you are so right, God will use a slpainer, to quote my dad, that 2 x 4 smack in the middle of the forehead to get our attention so we’ll pay attention. Today, He used you. Thank you.


  2. anemulligan says:

    So true, Linda. And even when we “make it” we have to continually keep our eyes on Him. Otherwise, we’ll trip over something in the path. 😉


  3. Gay Ingram says:

    Good reminder. God’s more interested in our obedience than our worldly success.


  4. Lynn Mosher says:

    Pertinent post, sweetie! I think it’s an epidemic! I can hear the enemy giggling at all of us. {sigh} I’ve caught the *disease* lately. Like right now! Fighting it off. Encouraging myself in the Lord. Thank you for this. ❤


  5. Joanne Sher says:

    Amen and amen! God’s timing. God’s plan.


  6. K.M. Weiland says:

    Seven years? Wow. Has it really been that long. But you ain’t got no cause to feel jealous, girl. You’re an award-winning, multi-pubbed author!


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