Sigh, It’s True

personalitySomeone told me once I have a sanguine personality, and I had to look it up to see what it meant. Later, I contributed to a 2012 article Katie Weiland posted about writer personalities, in which I described what it’s like being a “sanguine writer.” But I’ve never felt the effects of sanguinity as strongly as I am now.

It’s not entirely a bad thing–being sanguine, that is. According to the personality description, I can be the “life of the party.” Which means I’m fun. I like that part of the description, as well as the rest of the good parts of this personality: lighthearted, spontaneous, peace maker. Yep–that’s me.

But it also means I’m impulsive, scatterbrained, and don’t finish what I start. Pretty much true, although I’ve improved with age. Still, it’s a wonder I have any completed books to my name at all.

In a recent interview, I was asked what’s in the works for me, and I couldn’t answer. Not definitively, anyway. I explained this and lightheartedly blamed it on my sanguine personality. But I tell ya this: It’s frustrating. I really don’t know how folks sit down to one project and work it to the end without diverting to something else now and then, but I wish I could do it.

Wednesday, I announced I was having a bit of trouble with Corporate Ladder, which I haven’t resolved yet–I need to give it more time–but ever since revamping Give the Lady a Ride, I’ve played with the idea of self-pubbing the sequel, or even turning it into a series. Which means I’ll have yet another open manuscript. That makes CL, the Biblical historical (which I really want to do because I have ideas for others), the cozy mystery series featuring Glenna Galloway (unless I use that name as a pseudonym, despite popular wisdom), and the Family First series (also contemporary western romance), along with the Ride series, if it turns into one.

I guess I’ll know which one is next for me when I finally finish one.

What is it like to be single-minded and focused? I have a taste of those qualities only when I have a deadline, but I’ve discovered setting my own deadlines doesn’t work for me. It’s too easy to extend them–I know the boss. This is one of the primary reasons I like to have a reader as I go along, someone who I envision as anxiously awaiting the next installment.

What is it like to know for certain “this”–whatever “this” is–is the one genre you want to write for the rest of your career? That was something else I discussed in the interview: I don’t know where my niche is. Romantic comedies are fun, serious drama is challenging, but I don’t know which I want to do–then I throw in cozies and Biblical historicals, and I’m really lost. I won’t know which I like best until I’ve tried my hand at each of them.

New Year’s resolutions and weekly goal determinations just don’t seem to work for me. I do what I do. The best thing I can say is that I’ll finish writing at least one book this year. I have no clue which one. For now, I’m looking for a title for the second in the Ride series–unless I go back to Corporate Ladder.

personality typesSo, what about you? Which personality type are you–choleric, melancholic, sanguine, or phlegmatic? How does it affect your work?

Tell ya what: Answer me in writing. Send me your response, your analysis of your own work based on your personality, and I’ll post it here–every Friday until the posts run out. Email me at

Looking forward to this . . .


About Linda W. Yezak

Author/Freelance Editor/Speaker (writing and editing topics).
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17 Responses to Sigh, It’s True

  1. Nora says:

    I may have to take one of those personality tests to find out. Wonder which of my personalities will answer it. LOL


  2. K.M. Weiland says:

    You already know my answer: I’m choleric, with a melancholy chaser (although I do have a lot of phlegmatic traits as well). It means I’m good at setting goals and good at accomplishing them, but I totally stink at being spontaneous or flexible. I’m getting a little better at going with the flow of life, but deviating from the pre-planned schedule is like pulling teeth for me.


  3. Oh Linda. The personality tests I took at work a long time ago used colors to differentiate the four unique traits. You, my friend, are an Orange. Impulsive, fun, usually never on time, etc. etc. My boss at the time was an orange and, boy howdy, that couldn’t have been a more true 180 degree difference from me. I’m phlegmatic which is Gold. Goal oriented, always on time, don’t have an impulsive bone in my body, definitely a plotter, analytical. My second trait is Melancholy. Can be alone for long periods of time (good thing since I’m single). Introspective. The point of taking the tests at work was if we knew what the people around us were, it would help us to work with each other better, and it did help. At least when my boss came in late most mornings I could wave a dismissive wave and say, “That’s an orange for you.”

    But, we can’t use our traits as excuses for not changing. And that’s where the rubber meets the road.


  4. Lynn Mosher says:

    LOL I’m the odd one, as usual! I’m a mel-phleg, almost half and half. Had never thought about how it affects my writing. Hmmm…gotta think about this. Fun! 😀


  5. Choleric-melancholy—My husband refers to be as Sargent for our eight boys—but he comforts the tears when they come too frequently. The boys just look at me and attribute it to womanhood…or something else they don’t understand.

    Melancholy makes me fear/dread people but the choleric makes me go to the writer conference in spite of the tears and dread.

    I like my quietness—that’s why I can be up at 3 AM writing so that I can think before the milking of the cows starts—too soon for me (boys milk, I don’t)

    How does it help my writing?
    I can cry over every sad scene–even if it isn’t well developed and needs work. therefore it’s hard to see why it needs more feeling…

    I write and accomplish something—if the boys will remember my ‘quiet room’—every time.


    • Getting folks to remember my work hours has been the hardest thing I’ve tried to do. Everyone had it down pat until I got sick, then the calls started rolling in whenever they felt like calling. The habit stuck, unfortunately. Now and then, I just have to ignore the call and keep working, with the silent promise I’ll call them back.


  6. I have no idea what any of those personality traits are. I have not taken those kinds of tests. The one I have taken, the personality test by Carl Jung and Meyers-Briggs is an in depth test used by many professionals, including those in psychiatry is an in depth analysis and very interesting. (Here’s a link for any who would like to try the test: ttp:// According to this, I am an INFJ – The Protector. I won’t mention any personality traits, far too extensive to list. However, as others have mentioned, knowing your inclinations does help with breaking undesirable habits and understanding your tendencies to do that which you do not intend to do, while allowing you to build on the more positive characteristics. A fun topic, thank you, Linda for finding such interesting topics.


    • Yep, it helps to take an honest look at yourself–strengths and weaknesses–and see how your personality affects all sorts of things in your life, not just your writing habits.

      Thanks for writing, Ceci!


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