Writing in Obedience

Writing in ObedienceThis is it! The book cover for our “primer.” Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas is putting this one out, but I don’t know when yet. Believe me, I’ll let you know when it’s scheduled for release.

I’m excited about this little book. Terry and I illustrate the difference between being “called” to write and writing as an “offering” to Him. We define the genre of Christian Fiction and differentiate the genre from its marketing definition. We also analyze the different audiences Christians address in their works, either intentionally or unintentionally, to help them structure their novels for maximum impact.

That’s just a few of the things found between the covers.

I’ve found that people really don’t understand the concept of Christian Fiction. My own mother said, “Aren’t you just preaching to the choir?”

Well, yes. And no. The “choir” definite constitutes one audience. Some of us write simply to entertain Christians who are fed up with the trash found in mainstream books. Other authors do have a message they want to present, sometimes to the choir itself, sometimes to “non-choir members.” The point of Writing in Obedience is to help them identify their audience and hone their message to fit their needs.

I can’t wait for it to come out. I’m anxious to hear what you think!

About Linda W. Yezak

Author/Freelance Editor/Speaker (writing and editing topics).
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14 Responses to Writing in Obedience

  1. Joanne Sher says:

    TOTALLY excited about this one! Can’t wait to read it. Love the cover too :D. You go, girl!


  2. Whoohoo! Love the cover and can’t wait to read the book, since that is my genre. And so excited that you, my friend, was asked to contribute. Big kudos there!


  3. Gay Ingram says:

    Looking forward to hearing you share all this on Friday at ETWA


  4. Nora says:

    Let us know when it’s available. I just beta read something for someone who was struggling with this very concept.


  5. K.M. Weiland says:

    I love it! Very shiny.


  6. Sonya Contreras says:

    What is ETWA? —Dittos on keeping us informed.


  7. AlisonStanley says:

    Yay, looks good!


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