Tosca Lee’s Masterpiece

demonEvery time I write a review of a book I think is exceptional, I tend to gush. So now I’ve found one that truly is stunning, that others pale beside, and I’m virtually at a loss for words.

Don’t let the cover or the title of this book fool you–it is most definitely Christian fiction, by the strictest definition of the term. It isn’t on the level of those vampire or “living dead” books. At its base, it’s theological, philosophical. Amazing.

This novel is not only vividly, compellingly written, it’s also stunningly feasible. “Thought-provoking” doesn’t begin to cover it.

The story, at its most stripped-down, basic plot, is about a demon who takes on various human forms and appears at different times to tell his story to an editor at a publishing house. And it’s about the man to whom he tells his story.

But that’s not doing the novel justice. The story is about the creation, the fall, the history of mankind, the salvation offered through God’s only Son. It’s about the battle of principalities and powers, and hatred and love. It’s about God’s enduring, unfaltering love for us.

And, just as Lucian tells Clay the story is about him, ultimately it’s about you. You and the decision you must make concerning your eternity.

About Linda W. Yezak

Author/Freelance Editor/Speaker (writing and editing topics).
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10 Responses to Tosca Lee’s Masterpiece

  1. Lynn Mosher says:

    Wow! That sounds awesome! I think you liked it! 😉 Thanks so much, Linda!


  2. I haven’t yet read any of her books, but I will read this one. Sounds fascinating.


  3. KM Weiland says:

    My library has this, so I’ve got it on my list now!


  4. Gay Ingram says:

    Sounds like an interesting read – going to get my library to add it.


  5. stargazer12 says:

    Will call our library as soon as I finish reading my e-mails. The book sounds wonderful. So many people will read it who know nothing about God but go after the “thrill” of reading about demons.
    I’m relieved and happy to “hear” you feeling well again. Love ya. Pat


    • Linda Yezak says:

      You’re so right, Pat. That’s one of the beauties about this book. It’s intriguing and will appeal to folks who want the “dark side”–but they’ll be getting a big dose of the Light!

      I am doing better. Up and down, but these days, mostly up–big, wonderful change.

      Love you too!


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