Interview with Patricia Talbert

Patricia Talbert has been on the Circle Bar Ranch for almost a full year now, and I thought it was about time to see how the Manhattan beauty was doing in Texas. I caught her just before her afternoon ride.

Q: I can’t believe you wear pink boots.

A: Don’t you love them? Talon got them for me for my birthday.

Q: Speaking of Talon, the first question I’m sure everyone wants to know: Are you two going to get married?

A: We are, this spring. Was there any doubt? I want you there so you can write about it!

Q: Sounds like fun! Does Talon get involved in the wedding planning?

A: He hates it! Calls it all “fu-fu stuff.” Marie and I are working on it together. I only call Talon in for the big things, like what we’re going to eat. That’s more up his alley.

Q: Are you and Marie going to have a double ceremony?

A: Didn’t you know? Marie got married in November! She should be around here somewhere. She just found out she and Chance are going to have a baby! I can’t wait to find out if it ‘s a girl or a boy, but it’s too early to tell.

Q: I’m behind in my writing. I’ll have to catch up with her and get the scoop. So, how do you like running a ranch?

A: I can’t actually say that I do run it. Talon and the guys run things pretty much as they always have. I’m learning though. You know my motto: If Aunt Loretta could do it, so can I–I just have to figure out how first.

Q: Are you getting along better with Consuela?

A: She’s softened up a bit, especially now that I’m letting her teach me how to cook.

Q: You’re learning to cook?! How’s that going?

A: Well, my coffee isn’t strong enough to tap dance anymore, and I can scramble eggs with the best of ’em, but don’t go looking for anything fancy yet.

Q: Your father warned you about Texas summers. Did you survive?

A: He was so not kidding about how hot it gets here! We went through several weeks with temps over a hundred–one day up to 116!

Q: Goodness! How did you cope?

A: As long as there was water in the ponds, we’d go swimming, but by midsummer, the ponds began to dry up. We had to sell most of the cattle. Most of those cute calves from last May were gone by the end of July.

Q: Do you still ride bulls?

A: Uh . . . no. That last belly flop into the muck was enough for me for a while. This doesn’t mean I’ll never do it again, but believe me–I’m not in a rush.

Q: Did you ever tell your dad you rode?

A: You’re kidding, right?

Q: You went back to New York to help him get reelected. How was it being home again after so many months gone?

A: It was great seeing my parents again, but I had to get used to the pace, the crowds. I felt like a Quarter Horse among Thoroughbreds. It’s funny how fast Texas got under my skin. I couldn’t wait to get back.

Q: I guess that old bumper sticker fits: “I wasn’t born in Texas, but I got here as fast as I could.”

A: Exactly!

Q: Have your parents been here yet?

A: No. With the campaign last year, they never got a chance. They’ll be here for the week our wedding and will leave sometime after. I’m scrambling to get this place more presentable. If my mother sees the wall paper in the house, she’ll rip it out herself!

Q: I’m sure she’ll have nothing more on her mind than you and the wedding. I’m looking forward to it myself. Any parting words for the readers?

A: I hope God blesses everyone with the kind of love I’ve found with Talon. When it comes to “happily ever after,” don’t settle for less.

I enjoyed visiting with Patricia–Pat, as she’s called in Texas–and I can’t wait for the wedding! I smell an epilogue in the air . . .


This is the Second Post in the 29-day Horsin’ Around Giveaway!

If you want to enter, follow the directions in “Horsin’ Around — Giveaway!” and leave a comment with the correct answer on this post.  Monday’s post here on 777 Peppermint Place was also a contest post, and tomorrow, I’ll put up the link to an interview with Heidi Glick on The Queen City Quill, which is also a contest post.

This coming Saturday,

$30 in coupons will be given away,

so leave your comments this week!

About Linda W. Yezak

Author/Freelance Editor/Speaker (writing and editing topics).
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11 Responses to Interview with Patricia Talbert

  1. Elaine Turner says:

    Sounds like she and Talon Carlson are doing great! Can’t wait to hear about the wedding.


  2. joannesher says:

    Talon Carlson 🙂 And I’m LOVING the interview, Linda! Such personality!


  3. Walk says:

    Yip, I’ll go with Talon Carlson, the Quarter Horse. Great interview/tease, now when is that next book coming out?


  4. This is so much fun! Like revisiting old friends. 🙂 And “fu-fu stuff”! Love it.


  5. Very fun interview, Linda. It’s really tough to think of Patricia as “Pat” what with pink cowboy boots and all. Will she be wearing them under her wedding gown?


  6. Linda Yezak says:

    I’m so glad everyone’s enjoying this. I’ve been having fun with it!

    Good luck to all who entered the contest!


  7. SO MUCH FUN! – Quarter Horses are so dependable! Talon Carlson


  8. Teresa Snyder says:

    Omg! That was Great!!!!! Talon Carson


  9. A very interesting interview and a great technique to gain book interest! Applause!


  10. Linda Yezak says:

    Thanks to everyone for joining in! Be sure to keep playing. We have a few more weeks of posts and giveaways!


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